Louis Vuitton Loves Dinosaurs

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It was on a particularly humid Wednesday afternoon in London, when I was strolling through New Bond Street that I saw it.

I literally stopped dead in the middle of the road, eyes wide. Silent scream.


The Louis Vuitton store on this glamorous stretch of road has gone pre-historic! It was the eye-catching gold that struck me first, which dominated other store window displays on the street, and it was only a nano-second later that I realised that the gold was gorgeous skeletal structures of dinosaurs.


This wonderful display showcases the LV Pre-Fall/Winter 2013-2014 collection - some shown on mannequins sat on top of the dinosaurs, some casually hung off a Velociraptor's arm. Brilliant.



Upon further investigation, I also found that the Champs-Elysées store in Paris, and the 5th Avenue Maison in New York had a similar display - the dino's are taking over - Louis Vuitton explains that the inspiration came from The Natural History Museum in Paris (one of my favourite places in the world).

It's almost as if there's a secondary/subliminal message, sure it's a great eye catching display. Something fun and exciting. But are the guys and LV also trying to suggest a timeless collection? Something major that will never be forgotten? Interesting, right!?


Whatever it is, Louis Vuitton sure have their work cut out for their next seasons display... this is a must see.

Long live the dinosaurs! Ps, if you love dinosaurs as much as I do, be sure to check out my older post Dino Couture :)

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